Youth Retreat 2024

The Youth Retreat is a key forum uniting leaders, decision-makers, experts, and youth to discuss empowerment and national development. As an interactive platform, it fosters dialogue, future planning, and engagement through workshops, discussions, and activities, reflecting the aspirations of Emirati youth.

Last Updated: February 8, 2025

Best Practice Overview

The Youth Retreat is a crucial forum that brings together national leaders, decision-makers from both federal and local governments, specialized experts, and youth to discuss ideas and proposals aimed at empowering young people and helping them achieve their ambitions. It also serves to identify their priorities in order to activate their role in driving sustainable national development for future generations.

As an innovative dialogue platform, the Youth Retreat offers youth from diverse disciplines and backgrounds the opportunity to engage, anticipate the future, and work toward their goals. This event plays a key role in supporting and empowering the youth of the Emirates, reflecting their desire for change through participation in workshops, group discussions, motivational sessions, and various activities. Additionally, the retreat encourages youth engagement on social media platforms, where discussions focus on key areas shaping the country’s development. Ultimately, the retreat aims to help achieve the dreams and future aspirations of young people.


Unifying national aspirations that would achieve the hopes and ambitions of young people, activating their role in the path of sustainable national development, finding new and radical solutions to the challenges and difficulties they face, and contributing to the design of the new phase of the Federal Youth Authority.

Duration of the Initiative:

One day.

Positive Impact (Indicators and Outputs of the Initiative):

  • Implementing major transformational projects that enhance the quality of life for young people.
  • Launching new policies and refining existing ones related to youth affairs.
  • Designing services tailored to the needs and aspirations of youth.
  • Developing initiatives and projects that support and empower youth, aligned with strategic priorities.

Preparation Phase:

Steps Related to Preparation:

  • Program Conception (Initiative Agenda): Review contemporary youth issues, studies, competitive indicators, state aspirations, strategies, and best practices in the youth sector. Develop a comprehensive concept as a preliminary proposal, including all relevant data and details.
  • Identifying Partners: Identify partners based on the program’s themes, then reach out to relevant authorities for collaboration.
  • Organizing Committee Structure: Establish the organizing committee based on the proposal, including a chairperson, vice chairperson, and general coordinator. Form sub-committees (e.g., retreat agenda, human and financial resources, youth communication, public relations, artistic design, etc.) to support initiative implementation.
  • Timeline: Set a planning and implementation timeline at the beginning of the year, with a duration of two months or less to establish the initiative.
  • Media Plan: Develop a media plan that includes promotional ideas and proposals for all available channels, in collaboration with relevant government authorities.
  • Identifying Necessary Resources (Human, Financial, Material, Technical): Assess and allocate necessary resources based on the scope and requirements of the initiative.
  • Participant Selection Mechanism:
    The Federal Youth Authority team selects participants based on the identified themes, allowing young people to register by specialization, and age (18-35). Applicants must submit a CV detailing their experience and achievements, followed by virtual or in-person interviews.
  • Conditions for Participation: Participants must be young adults (18-35 years old) with relevant qualifications in specific specializations related to the program’s themes.
  • Initial Meeting: The Youth Empowerment Department forms a work team to identify key points of the initiative and approve the team responsible for the project.
  • Engagement of Relevant Authorities: Upon approval of the project proposal, invite relevant state authorities directly involved in the initiative’s implementation to participate and collaborate.

Committee Structure Preparation:

Develop the structure of organizing committees based on event needs, detailing roles and responsibilities.

Implementation Phase:

  • Program Registration: All participants, partners, invitees, speakers, and initiative organizers receive special entry permits. Their details are recorded in lists for coordination, follow-up, and attendance confirmation.
  • Management and Performance Follow-Up: Managed by the work team and the Programs and Agenda Committee, in collaboration with the accredited partner. Discussions and dialogue sessions are tracked using a paperwork model that captures all session outputs for the designated topic.
  • Documentation: The session recorder documents all key points raised during the dialogue session. This includes input from various participants:
  • The relevant minister or state leader
  • Selected youth participants
  • An expert in the field
  • The group recorder
  • The session director
  • An assistant member

Post-Initiative Phase:

  • Evaluating the Initiative: A form is distributed to all attendees and participants to assess the initiative.
  • Preparing the Final Report: The report includes all outcomes, recommendations, and evaluation results.
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