Youth, Peace and Security Initiative

An initiative by HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II at the UN Security Council led to the unanimous adoption of Resolution 2250, recognizing youth as key contributors to peace and security, beyond being victims of conflict.

Last Updated: February 9, 2025

Best Practice Overview

Initiative of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II during his chairmanship of the open discussion session at the UN Security Council, which resulted in the unanimous adoption of Resolution 2250 on  Recognizing  Youth, Peace and Security. the vital role that youth can play in promoting peace and security worldwide. The resolution emphasizes that young people are not only victims of conflict, but also an active element that can contribute to conflict prevention and peacebuilding.


1. Strengthening the role of youth in achieving peace and security, both locally and internationally.
2. Protecting the rights of young people.
3. Promoting youth participation in decision-making processes.
4. Preventing and countering violent extremism.
5. Enhancing conflict prevention strategies

Duration of the Initiative:

A unit was created within the organizational structure of the Ministry of Youth concerned with youth, peace, and security.

Positive Impact:

  • Strengthening the role of youth in peacebuilding.
  • Reducing youth involvement in extremist or violent activities.
  • Enhancing youth representation in institutions.
  • Empowering youth through education and training.
  • Indicators for the Crown Prince’s Initiative on Youth, Peace, and Security:
  • The number of young people in leadership positions.
  • The number of participants in peace processes.
  • Youth representation in local and international organizations.
  • The number of programs targeting the reintegration of youth affected by violent extremism.
  • The number of institutions or organizations supporting youth activities within the framework of peacebuilding and security.
  • The number of media or awareness campaigns focusing on the role of youth in promoting peace and reducing violence.

Outcomes of the Crown Prince’s Initiative on Youth, Peace, and Security:

  • Greater youth participation in decision-making processes.
  • An increase in youth-led peace initiatives.
  • Sustainability of security and peace in communities.
  • Improvement in the social and economic status of youth through the provision of education and employment opportunities.

Preparation Phase:

  • Recognizing the challenges youth face in conflict zones.
  • Preparing studies and reports.
  • Global and regional dialogue on youth and peace.
  • Dialogue with the youth themselves.
  • Working to allocate an international initiative.
  • Preparing for the drafting of the resolution in coordination with member states.
  • Adoption of Resolution 2250: Resolution 2250 was unanimously adopted by the UN Security Council on December 9, 2015.

Implementation Phase:

  • The Amman Declaration on Youth, Peace, and Security.
  • Formation of the Jordanian National Coalition for Youth, Peace, and Security 2250, which includes youth members and organizational members, covering both local and international organizations as well as UN agencies under the umbrella of the Ministry of Youth.
  • Approval of the Administrative Organization System for the Ministry of Youth No. 63 of 2023, which established a special organizational unit within the Ministry’s structure dedicated to Youth, Peace, and Security (Resolution 2250).
  • Development of national and regional strategies:
  • Working on the draft of the Jordanian National Action Plan (JONAP) for Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace, and Security.
  • The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan chaired the technical committee for the development of the Arab Strategy on Youth, Peace, and Security (2023-2028).
  • The National Youth Strategy (2019-2025) includes a key focus area, which is Axis 6 on Youth, Security, and Social Peace.
  • The High-Level International Forum on Youth, Peace, and Security, held in Amman from 28-29/8/2024, on the sidelines of the launch of the Arab Strategy on Youth, Peace, and Security.

Post-Initiative Phase:

  • The Youth, Security, and Social Peace axis from the National Youth Strategy (2019-2025) has been incorporated into the Ministry of Youth’s plans through youth centers, and the implementation of activities related to this axis is monitored through the Activity Bank mechanism in the Directorate of Achievement Follow-up and Institutional Performance Development.
  • Localization of follow-up and evaluation related to the Jordanian National Action Plan in the Directorate of Achievement Follow-up and Institutional Performance Development when developing and finalizing the Jordanian National Action Plan.
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